19TH EU-REAL MEETING: Territorial Inequalities and Left-Behind places
Date: 18 Apr, 2024

Gijón, Spain, September 3-4, 2024, Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences Hosted by REGIOlab – University of Oviedo

Sponsored by: EXIT European Project – Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Counteract. Territorial Inequalities from an intersectional approach

RegioLab is pleased to announce the 19th European Union Regional Application Laboratory (EU-REAL) meeting, with a focus on drivers of inequality in left-behind places:

We encourage contributions related to (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Regional economic development
  • Regional inequalities
  • Regional, urban and rural policy
  • Infrastructure, transport flows and network among regions
  • Tourism and regional development
  • Migration and regional labor markets
  • Regional healthcare planning
  • Input-output, Computable General Equilibrium and other macro-models
  • Spatial econometrics, statistics and other quantitative methods relevant for regional analysis


To participate in the meeting, an abstract of maximum 500 words must be sent to lasarteelena@uniovi.es, by June 30, 2024.

In addition to the abstract, the submission document must include authors’ names and affiliations, contact e- mail, and 3 keywords classifying it into the most appropriate themes/topics.

The meeting will be hold in person and will host only abstracts accepted for presentation. Participation in the meeting is free of charge.


Facultad de Comercio, Turismo y Ciencias Sociales Jovellanos (Jovellanos de Gijón Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences) – University of Oviedo Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura, Luis Moya Blanco, 261, Periurbano – Rural, 33203 Gijón, Asturias

The Jovellanos de Gijón Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences (University of Oviedo) was founded in 1899 and brings together all training related to social studies and management on the Gijón Campus. Since January 2007 this Faculty is located in the architectural complex of La Laboral, City of Culture, on the outskirts of the city.


It is really easy to reach the Universidad Laboral from any part of Gijón city by BUS (Line 1, Line 2, Line 15 and Line 18)

  • Line 1 Cerillero-Hospital de Cabueñes
  • Line 2 El Corte Inglés-Hospital de Cabueñes
  • Line 15 Nuevo Roces-Hospital de Cabueñes
  • Line 18 Nuevo Gijón-Hospital de Cabueñes


Flying to Asturias Airport

Asturias airport is located 40 km from Gijón. The airport offers a bus service through the company ALSA that covers the journey between the airport and the city of Gijón.

Flying to Madrid Airport

Flying to Madrid Airport and then taking a bus (ALSA company) or a train (RENFE) is another option.


The organization will provide light lunches and coffee-breaks during the meeting. The “gala dinner” will also be provided by the organizers on Tuesday 3rd September.

All the social and academic activities will take place in Gijón, so we strongly recommend to book the accommodation in Gijón city. There is a large offer of hotels in Gijón of different categories.

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