Bringing research to action: The EXIT project’s participatory workshops
Author: Malin Roiha, UB In the first half of 2025, the EXIT project will launch a dynamic series of workshops across eight countries, bridging the...
University of Barcelona holds first workshop in Montcada i Reixac
Author: Emma Fàbrega, UB At the end of January 2025, in line with EXIT’s final stage of research, Research Action and policy building, the...
Ana Viñuela discusses EXIT Project and Social Cohesion in Asturias
Ana Viñuela from the EXIT partner University of Oviedo was interviewed by the regional newspaper El Comercio, where she discussed the EXIT project....
The role of local cultural association in the care and development of marginalised areas
On December 14, 2024, Sara Pilia, a member of the EXIT project as a representative from ARCI, organised a workshop “Associations in contexts of...
Strengthening multi-agency, horizontal cooperation as a tool for reducing territorial inequalities
On November 5, 2024, Sara Pilia, a member of the EXIT project as a representative from ARCI, joined a conference titled “Communities at the Centre -...
Unlocking the Potential of Small and Rural Schools: Insights from the OECD
Schools in small and rural areas are often depicted as facing insurmountable challenges. Examples of such difficulties include limitation of...
Insights and Opportunities on Tackling Educational Inequalities in Greece
Writer: Nancy Zoidou Saripapa, KMOP Education serves as a cornerstone for fostering equality and social cohesion. In Greece, progress has been made...
Q&A with Our Experts on Addressing Territorial Inequalities
We're excited to announce our QnA session, focused on addressing territorial inequalities. From field research findings to policy recommendations,...
Left-behind Places in the 21st Century
We are excited to announce that during the XLVIII Spanish Regional Science Meeting on October 17, our partners from Universidad de Oviedo will be...
Key Findings Highlighted at the Conference on Addressing Territorial Inequalities through an Intersectional Approach
Academics, policymakers, and leading researchers gathered on 20 September in Brussels, at the Chambre des représentants de Belgique for the...
The role of institutions and good governance mechanisms in mitigating inequalities in left-behind places
Between November and December 2023, the partners of the EU Horizon EXIT project conducted an exploratory analysis on the gaps between factors of...
NAVIGATING LEFT-BEHINDNESS: Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach
Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach September 20, 2024 Chambre des représentants...
A way to fight territorial inequalities: inclusive mobility
The EXIT project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme, explores sustainable strategies for tackling territorial inequalities...
Digital inclusiveness as a key factor in counteracting territorial inequalities
Giorgio Pirina, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Digital transition Digital inclusiveness describes the key role of digital technologies in...
EXIT launches its interactive map
As we delve deeper into our current fieldwork, our aim is to unravel territorial inequalities as they are experienced and negotiated on the ground....
How is knowledge produced during ethnographic fieldwork?
Author: Malin Roiha, Universitat de Barcelona Currently, between March and September 2024, researchers across the eight EXIT countries are...
19TH EU-REAL MEETING: Territorial Inequalities and Left-Behind places
Gijón, Spain, September 3-4, 2024, Faculty of Commerce, Tourism and Social Sciences Hosted by REGIOlab – University of Oviedo Sponsored by: EXIT...
The EXIT project participated in the public event “Giovani, base sociale e mercato del lavoro”
On 27th January the Exit' Unive Unit participated in the public event "Giovani, base sociale e mercato del lavoro" organised by the Fondazione...
Panels and special sessions organised by EXIT partners in upcoming conferences
The EXIT partnership is organising panels and special sessions on “left-behindness” and territorial inequalities in two different conferences held...
The importance of the spatial scale or how EXIT can contribute to the study of territorial inequalities
REGIOlab, University of Oviedo (Participants in EXIT: Díaz-Dapena, A.; Fernández-Vázquez, E.; Lasarte-Navamuel, E.; Rubiera-Morollón, F. and...
Belgian initiative to tackle long-term unemployment and territorial disparities: “Zero Long-Term Unemployment Territories”
The EXIT project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme, explores sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities...
Inner areas, industrial crisis zones, environmental health inequalities, and sacrifice zones: the EXIT project helps capture the multiple forms of territorial inequality in Italy
The EXIT project aims to explore the causes and multiple forms of territorial inequality in so-called left-behind areas. The project has an...
EXIT project unveils Guidelines to address territorial inequalities
The EXIT project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe Programme, announces the completion of its guidelines, which are now accessible to...
How will EXIT implement an intersectional perspective?
Author: Emma Fàbrega, University of Barcelona The EXIT project uses intersectionality as a transversal theme that runs throughout all stages of...
Going local. Addressing territorial inequalities from the ground
EXIT conducts an in-depth analysis of the concept of ‘left-behind’ in the academic, political, and media spheres, as it is used in the...
What elements of territorial inequality will the EXIT research analyse?
The research conducted in the EXIT project will examine different aspects of territorial inequality, from an interdisciplinary perspective and based on a range of methodologies across eight countries. To ensure comparability and coherence of the research across different methods and contexts, the EXIT researchers have identified key interrelated axes that will structure the analysis of territorial inequalities throughout the project.
The EXIT project explores the concept of “Left Behind Places” in territorial inequalities
The significance of “left behind places” has become increasingly prominent in English-speaking academic debates on territorial inequalities and EU policy discourses. This concept gained particular attention following the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Today, the EXIT consortium is pleased to present the first results of its first stage of research, which has aimed at “Problematizing Left Behind”.