
Left-behind Places in the 21st Century

Left-behind Places in the 21st Century

We are excited to announce that during the XLVIII Spanish Regional Science Meeting on October 17, our partners from Universidad de Oviedo will be...

EXIT launches its interactive map

EXIT launches its interactive map

As we delve deeper into our current fieldwork, our aim is to unravel territorial inequalities as they are experienced and negotiated on the ground....

What elements of territorial inequality will the EXIT research analyse?

What elements of territorial inequality will the EXIT research analyse?

The research conducted in the EXIT project will examine different aspects of territorial inequality, from an interdisciplinary perspective and based on a range of methodologies across eight countries. To ensure comparability and coherence of the research across different methods and contexts, the EXIT researchers have identified key interrelated axes that will structure the analysis of territorial inequalities throughout the project.

The EXIT project explores the concept of “Left Behind Places” in territorial inequalities

The EXIT project explores the concept of “Left Behind Places” in territorial inequalities

The significance of “left behind places” has become increasingly prominent in English-speaking academic debates on territorial inequalities and EU policy discourses. This concept gained particular attention following the Brexit vote and the election of Donald Trump in 2016. Today, the EXIT consortium is pleased to present the first results of its first stage of research, which has aimed at “Problematizing Left Behind”.