The EXIT project participated in the public event “Giovani, base sociale e mercato del lavoro”
Date: 1 Feb, 2024

On 27th January the Exit’ Unive Unit participated in the public event “Giovani, base sociale e mercato del lavoro” organised by the Fondazione Pellicani in the framework of the project “Ri-Pensare Venezia”.

The Unive Unit presented the first analysis of the data resulting from the focus group with stakeholders and policy-makers organised on the island of Murano about the (in)effectiveness of public policies implemented at local level to counteract territorial inequalities.

The analysis highlighted a condition of left-behindness perceived by the participants, as the policies implemented (both at national and local level) do not seem to be tailored to the specific needs of Murano.

Read more:

A way to fight territorial inequalities: inclusive mobility

A way to fight territorial inequalities: inclusive mobility

The EXIT project, funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme, explores sustainable strategies for tackling territorial inequalities using an intersectional approach. It uses mixed research methods to comprehensively analyse the concept of 'being left...